Consumers are encouraged by some financial advisors not to use their credit cards for purchases and to only use cash. While this advice does have some merit, those who use credit responsibly can benefit in a multitude of ways. It is actually possible to make a mistake if you fail to use a credit card for some types of purchases, as you will be giving up various forms of protection and benefits. Despite the caveat that credit must be used responsibly, here is a list of purchases that you should always consider making with a credit card.
Buying Online
When making purchases online using a credit card, you can not only avoid fraud but also enjoy a number of other benefits. There are a variety of credit card companies that offer discounts and cashback if you purchase via their online shopping portal. When purchasing a Samsung product through a shopping portal, you may be able to earn 4% cash back. Macy's may offer 2% cash back. It is common for shopping portals to provide access to hundreds if not thousands of different retailers. Consumers do not incur any additional costs by using these shopping portals, so if you are going to make a purchase anyway, why not earn cashback?
Expenses Related To Mobile Phones
In the event that you pay your cellphone bill with certain credit cards, you will receive coverage for damage or theft to your cellphone. A credit card company will reimburse you for the loss of your phone, up to $600 in most cases, if it is damaged or stolen. Your credit card coverage usually lasts only as long as you continue to pay your monthly bill with it. In some cases, monthly insurance costs may even be higher than $15 per month if you do not file a claim. Some companies may even charge a deductible or service fee in addition to the monthly premium.
Products Related To Electronics And Appliances
When purchasing appliances and electronics on credit, it is recommended that you use the type of card you have. A number of credit cards offer extended warranties on the purchase of electronics and appliances in addition to any points that you may earn. In the case of a dishwasher with a one-year warranty from the manufacturer, your credit card company may extend the warranty period to two years. The purchase protection offered by some credit cards also includes protection against damage and theft. Your credit card company will either repair your purchase or reimburse you for the purchase if it is damaged or stolen within a certain time frame, usually between 90 and 120 days.
Untrustworthy Vendors
It is common to have questions about a vendor when you are considering purchasing a product. This is most often the case with an online storefront, but it can also occur with a street vendor who uses a portable credit card machine. Anyhow, use a credit card rather than cash or another form of payment for a transaction like this. You can file a complaint with your credit card company if a merchant delivers a shoddy product or disappears from the face of the Earth after your purchase. Instead, you'll never see that cash again if you pay with cash. An unscrupulous merchant may use your credit card to make fraudulent transactions, so it helps to have a credit card.
Travel Expenses (Airfares)
In most cases, credit cards are used to make purchases such as flights. The majority of rewards credit cards offer additional bonus points when you purchase flights. Travel-oriented credit cards, however, offer many additional benefits for flight purchases. A number of cards offer free trip delay or cancellation insurance while branded cards often offer free baggage privileges when flights are purchased using the card. You may also be eligible for lost luggage insurance with many travel cards, which will reimburse you for your bags and their contents if they do not appear. There are some cards that offer free access to airport lounges once you begin your journey.
Tickets For Concerts And Other Events
In order to take advantage of the dispute resolution services provided by credit card companies, it makes sense to use a credit card when purchasing concert or event tickets. As an added benefit, using the right credit card may also entitle you to additional ticket benefits. With some credit cards, you have the option of purchasing event tickets with priority access before the general public. This can be an invaluable benefit if you are seeking the best seats at a popular show. A card company may also offer additional perks like VIP parking or seating, as well as pre-and post-event events.
Getting A Car Rental
The majority of travel-focused credit cards offer car rental insurance, allowing you to avoid the high cost of coverage charged by most car rental companies. In some instances, this insurance is primary insurance, which means you will not need to contact your own car insurance company. Several credit cards also offer free enrollment in various car rental rewards programs, which can provide discounts on car rentals, free upgrades, and other benefits. When renting a car, using your credit card can make things easier for you. You can often simply leave the car, walk away, and receive an email receipt when it is time to return the car.
Refundable Purchases
There is no way to predict if a particular item will be returned after it has been purchased. Nevertheless, if you feel that you will need to return the item at some point, purchasing it with a credit card might be a wise decision. In general, merchants are reluctant to adhere to their return policies for this reason. When you are attempting to return something and the merchant refuses to accept it, you can usually file a complaint with your credit card company. It is usually the case that the credit card company will conduct an investigation and refund your purchase price if it is not possible to convince the merchant to abate. For most legitimate transactions, your credit card company will provide you with assistance, but this does not apply in cases of fraud or abuse.
Categories Of Bonus Offers
It has been enormously beneficial for credit card customers that credit card issuers operate in a competitive market. The majority of rewards cards offer multipliers in various categories, such as doubling points in the travel and dining category or doubling points in the grocery category. Choosing a credit card that provides enhancements for things you normally purchase is crucial to maximizing these bonus points. A card that offers bonus points in certain categories will be of interest to you if you spend a lot of money on groceries and gas. This approach is not without caveats, however, as you will have to avoid the temptation to overspend in categories you may not normally spend money on, such as travel, dining, home improvement, or other common bonus categories.
Purchases From International Sources
If Take your credit card with you when you go on an international trip. The currency exchange rates offered by credit cards are generally better than those offered by foreign vendors or money changers, giving you the best value for your money. A credit card may be more convenient than using cash or a debit card since some overseas merchants may not even accept U.S. debit cards. The majority of credit cards do not charge foreign transaction fees at all, despite the fact that some cards do charge 3% or more on international transactions. Make sure that your credit card belongs to the latter category before traveling.
By Rashmi Goel